October 17, 2017


How it works

  1. Write or paste your text in the text box below
  2. Click “Scan Article”
  3. ASTRSC will highlight words and expressions in your text that generally reinforce several tropes about Africa
  4. Hover over the highlighted words to view a brief description of the tropes each word may be reinforcing
  5. Click on the provided links to learn about their origins, pervasiveness, and effects and see constructive ideas and suggestions
  6. Scroll down to view a pie chart visualizing the number of words highlighted
  7. Optional: click the "Show Breakdown of Voices" button to view a breakdown of quotes in your text

Need a reminder of what ASTRSC is or who it is for? Click below!


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The purpose of this feature is to invite the author to consider how they distribute voices in their article and watch out for possible biases. Learn more about the importance and relevance of this here.

Speaker Introductory verb Quote Quote Length (Word Count)